

Literary Orphans is a fantastic journal that thrives on making their readers uncomfortable. They are eccentric, odd, brutally honest and make for a good read any day.





Five Dials is a stunning literary journal with excellent pieces of fiction, verse, and art. This journal is an interesting read with many pieces that will leave you shocked.




One Story is a journal dedicated to publishing up-and-coming authors. Each issue includes only one short story and the stories they prefer cover all sorts of genres, so long as the story is good.

We like the Fairy Tale Review because it publishes works of reimagined fairy tales.

This is a student led literary journal that accepts all types of works from undergrads. Their themes usually explore social and contemporary issues.

Each journal issue or feature of Winter Tangerine has its own colors and art scheme. Also each poem or piece of fiction has its own accompanying visual. It has a sleep and polished look.